Weeping Tile Repair – Edmonton & Area
Basement Foundation Repair & Inspections: Abalon
Edmonton Weeping Tile Repair Experts

Abalon Foundation Repairs has been repairing weeping tile issues in the Edmonton area for over 41 years.
Edmonton Weeping Tile Repair
With over 50 years experience identifying and permanently correcting weeping tile drainage issues, you can be assured you have the most qualified foundation repair experts assessing your foundations weeping tile.
Whether it’s testing your weeping tile to investigate drainage concerns, tying your weeping tile system into a new or existing sump pump, installing new vertical drains in window-wells, or completely replacing the weeping tile system around your building, we can permanently solve any weeping tile drainage issue you may have.
Abalon has been providing interior/exterior Weeping Tile drainage under basement floors in Edmonton since 1981. When it comes to interior weeping tile drainage to solve under-floor water seepage issues, our experienced team of basement-foundation experts can provide the permanent solution with decades of experience in the foundation repair industry going back to 1970. We also provide hydro-vac services to flush out clogged, or plugged weeping tile.
My weeping tile is clogged/plugged, What should I do?
The most important thing homeowners can do to unplug their weeping tile, is to excavate & replace the weeping tile, or flush-out the weeping tile with the assistance of a foundation repair company who can utilize a hydro-vac to unclog the weeping tile.
When your weeping tile system becomes clogged, the water table around your foundation begins to build up, and the clay surrounding your foundation begins to soak up this moisture. This can lead to a host of issues putting pressure on your foundation walls, or seeking entrance into your basement through cracks, windows, and other means that would normally not receive this excessive pressure.
If your sump pump isn’t frequently pumping water outside of your home after a rain storm, or during the spring melting period, then an inefficient weeping tile system could be to blame. To find out what the root cause may be, please feel free to call an Abalon foundation repair specialist… this may be the best route to solving your leakage and/or structural issues.
Stopping basement foundation leaks the right way
During the process of our repair to stop the leakage into your basement’s foundation we have the ability to repair or install new weeping tile at the same time. We also have the ability to tie your weeping tile into a new or existing sump pump at very little additional cost. When compared to interior injection repairs, Doing the job the right way may not cost much more than patching cracks with injections. Ultimately, when tackling basement foundation leakage you can not only have your crack or leakage areas repaired correctly from the outside, but our approach also allows us to inspect and replace the weeping tile system along your home at very little additional cost (since we repair your foundation wall from below grade down to the footing where your weeping tile sits).
Click to read testimonials from our Edmonton weeping tile and foundation repair customers.
If you believe your home or building is suffering from water drainage issues or a clogged & inefficient weeping tile system, call us today for a free, no-obligation & In-House estimate.
Abalon Foundation Repairs – Edmonton
Weeping Tile Repair Services
33+ years Better Business Bureau Accredited Business
6708 – 72 Avenue, Edmonton AB
Edmonton Weeping Tile Repair Experts
Lifetime warranty on all weeping tile repairs
50 years servicing Edmonton and surrounding areas
Free Weeping Tile Inspections & Estimates
We complete foundation repairs throughout the year: Winter – Spring – Summer & Fall
Why install interior weeping tile under a Basement Floor?
The installation of interior weeping tile consists of breaking out a “trench” of concrete in your basement slab, and placing in a weeping tile drainage solution. This interior weeping tile drainage consists of perforated weeping tile covered by washed stone to act as a filter, preventing the weeping tile from being clogged from the surrounding clay or soil under most basement floors.
This trench that is then encased in concrete, and is hidden under your basement floor slab. The placement of this interior weeping tile then allows this trapped water to drain underneath your basement floor to the weeping tile system, and sump pump on the exterior of your basement’s walls.
All of Abalon’s Interior Weeping Tile Drainage repairs come with a minimum 10-year warranty, making sure your investment in our interior weeping tile solution will last for years to come. Our experienced staff of project managers and repair technicians also bring with them our franchise’s experience of western Canadian soil types and solutions that have continued to work for over 49 years.
I have water coming up through my basement floor, how can this happen?
The hydro-static pressure of your home’s foundation can cause water to stay trapped beneath the concrete floor, forcing it up through the floor and gaps in the basement walls. Water trapped under basement concrete floors has the ability to degrade your basement foundations condition, and weaken your concrete floor causing further damage. Even if your home has an effective weeping tile system around it’s perimeter, this water can stay trapped under the floor until additional drainage can replace the clay under most existing residential homes.
What is weeping tile, and what does it do under my foundation?
Weeping tile is a facility that allows water to flow freely without any obstructions around your foundation walls, and eventually discharge away from your property. Perforated plastic pipe is the most widely used weeping tile system in Edmonton and area. In the past, clay weeping tile pieces were fitted together to allow water a route around your foundation. However, the gaps between this older system of drainage allowed for clay and silt to eventually clog the flow of water, eventually making it’s way into your building.
If you suspect your building doesn’t have weeping tile installed, or is failing to work efficiently, speaking with a foundation repair expert is always a recommended course of action. At Abalon Foundation Repairs, our first concern is testing your home to confirm your weeping tile system, is in fact, working appropriately or, if it was installed to begin with.
Where and why is weeping tile installed in my home’s basement?
In Alberta, regulations require weeping tile installation next to your basement foundation’s footing around the entire exterior perimeter of your home. The purpose of a weeping tile system is to collect excess water drainage down exterior foundation walls. This helps to prevent water pressure from building up against foundation walls, and diverts water before it can be absorbed by surrounding clay, causing it to swell, which exerts pressure on the foundation under your house.
After the water enters the weeping tile along your foundation, it drains to the sewer at the catch basin, or to a sump pit installed in newer homes. Solid pipes are sometimes laid under the basement floor from the sewer or sump pit to each foundation wall, and then connect through the footing to the weeping tile. When deciding upon a foundation repair contractor to install or replace the weeping tile system in your home, make an informed decision to choose an experienced company. As weeping tile repair specialists, will work with your unique problems, to find a budget and a solution that permanently solves any basement leakage or insufficient drainage issues your home endures.
What does interior weeping tile cost in Edmonton?
The price of interior weeping tile can range from $80.00 – $150.00 per linear foot of weeping tile installed inside, under your basement floor. This cost does not include the addition of a sump pump, which is usually required to pump away the water collected, unless your home already has one installed and can be connected.
This cost includes the removal and replacement of concrete floor in the trench that is removed, placement of weeping tile and a connection made to the existing weeping tile surrounding the exterior of your home’s foundation walls.
The installation of this interior weeping tile can help prevent the need to completely remove the concrete slab in many homes – dealing with water trapped under the concrete floor slab. This method can save you thousands of dollars, providing a way for the trapped water to flow to the outside of your foundation walls.
An experienced foundation repair company always starts out small… to rule out costly repairs.
When our customers are looking for a solution to their drainage problem, our first course of action is always to identify the condition of the weeping tile and overall drainage system. This necessary investigation allows us to identify the true cause of leakage or drainage problems, in order to find the most economical & practical solution for each client.
Don’t be fooled by some contractors who take it upon themselves to replace your entire weeping tile system, simply because they failed to do a proper analysis prior to the work. Our team will always begin with our clients best interests in mind, because we understand the long-term value of loyalty… which is one of the reasons our referral rates are the highest in the industry.
We always recommend starting out with an investigative test hole to first analyze and then correct your weeping tile or drainage issues. This allows our experienced weeping tile repair team to discover the root of the problem, before starting with expensive and un-needed repairs, only to later realize the problem was a simple fix.
Abalon Foundation Repairs – Edmonton
Weeping Tile Repair Company
33+ years Better Business Bureau Accredited Business
6708 – 72 Avenue, Edmonton AB
Edmonton Weeping Tile Repair Experts
Lifetime warranty on all weeping tile repairs
50 years servicing Edmonton and surrounding areas
Free Weeping Tile Inspections & Estimates
We complete foundation repairs throughout the year: Winter – Spring – Summer & Fall